Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lights Around My Philips Tv

Twitter television (TV Twitter) Chrome

When someone over 40, sits in front of the TV is likely to open a book, a newspaper or magazine. Read while watching a film or series is a deeply rooted habit but, like many others, has changed in those under 40. Because more and more people get into Twitter to discuss the final chapter of your favorite series, the fashion program, the movie of the week or the game of the day.

Last night, for example, Barça - Arsenal point topped many of the most popular de-trending topics on Twitter. Situation is repeated with every match broadcast in open and many are not. Also with series like 'Tell me' or 'The Boat'. Or what happens in programs like "The Ant" and as was the awarding of Goya.

situations which are discussed more, the more interesting and controversial is what happens in those games, series and programs. What does not work on Twitter bored. What entertains them.


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