Monday, February 8, 2010

Doppler-guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation


Express Route Outside
January 30, 2010

Gloria Valdez Gardea Ciria *

Research return migrant student is limited to be an emerging phenomenon. That is why the seminar Migrant Children have been given the task of visualizing these actors who live and confront daily in classrooms Sonoran their educational experience on both sides of the border.
need to put a face to return migrant children and meet their different biographies it is not a homogeneous group: Who are they, how to become academically and socially?, How they perceive their experience of return and how they are collected?, what they bring, they bring to their classrooms Sonoran educational experience in the neighboring country, what does leave, who long?; What will provide classrooms for educational experience Sonora? It is necessary to share their experiences and discuss how their voices articulate a social and political criticism involving the contexts in which they develop.
Their voices are an opportunity to review, among other things, administrative procedures for admission, in some cases, ignorance of their arrival by classroom teachers, the lack of a comprehensive program of social inclusion and academics that directs children to the area of \u200b\u200b"special education" or the psychologist and in the worst cases, retention, and ignorance that education encompasses much more than just the school experience.
Finally, two questions left to air fortunate advantage of the presence of teachers, school principals and officials from the SEC: being a migrant who returned gives a second-class status that implies not be completely Mexican? ";" in the case of indigenous migrants who have returned, it gives them a triple-class status, as well as not being indigenous to speak neither English nor English?
When released Sector Programme 2007-2012 of the SEP, Paul LatapĂ­ Sarre said: "The sector program of this administration is a long statement of purpose undiagnosed, not conceptual, no links with the historical development of each problem (...) It seems that the authorities gave priority to meet the technical shell of planning and had no sensitivity or time to provide a foundation of respect for their decisions (...) . This is disappointing, we have an educational program that has a minimum density of argument, not defined actors responsible for the actions proposed or offered any evidence to judge the viability of them, while most financial aspects are not addressed and "subject to the availability of resources" (January 2008).

* Teacher-Researcher Esudios Center of North America from El Colegio de Sonora. Email:


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