Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bleeding Hemroids And Hydrogen Peroxide



A brief look before touching the theme:
Tutorial During furniture melamine and I, we learned the tools and machines that we use to manufacture furniture. During
Tutorial II melamine and furniture, we learned about thicknesses and formats melamine boards, and recommendations to choose the thickness for our furniture. Now
III entered the tutorial course, when I know that thickness you choose then just get the exact dimensions for your furniture, as the thickness is the variable that is going to work on furniture, it depends to what extent we have cut certain piece of furniture.

is important to know that the world of manufacturing furniture with melamine boards or other agglomerate, work according to modules, this is the basis for any project, if we ejm module depth 300 mm x 600 mm x 900 mm height. long, and if this module will install the doors, then we would have our pastry top or cupboard. The same holds for a shelf or table in a pastry cabinet etc. are all modules that inserting or installing certain parts become our furniture. In toces basics we need to know how to get the exact measurements of our modules in order to cut or cut and then send him to join them.

Then we give a brief explanation as has this.
working with the measure referred to the module of 300 mm x 600 mm x 900mm .. this is a rectangle
this rectangle then to assemble the following items need to laugh with the following exact measurements.
eye all the measures we are working in mm. Ejm.1

amount thickness over wide description or
parts material material material material
2 18 600 300 ; module sides
February 1918 864 300 boards sup / and lower

then far 864 mm which are the upper and lower horizontal panels, we have found that we have discounted 36 mm of the thickness of the 2 boards that go on the side of the module or rectangle so that once we have left to 900 armed mm which is what we want, if we use the board as we desired discounted 19 mm 38 mm, and suppose that we use it will deduct 15 mm 30 mm, which is why I mention that the thickness is the variable that we have work to obtain the exact measurements of our modules, inside cabinets or drawers, cabinets, closets etc.siempre going to depend on thickness choose to work.

This same module of 300 mm x 600 mm x 900 mm, we can set as follows

length width thickness amount description or parts
material material material material
2 18 564 300
module sides
February 1918 900 300 boards sup / and lower

then for far 564 mm vertical board in this case, we did the previous operation of deducting the thickness of the two tableros.Con It gives us pieces of different measures, but in the end, when arming modules and furniture stay with us the exact measurements that we want the furniture in this case we can build the module in two ways with different parts of measures, but once armed with that wish of the two measures will always be a module of 300mm x 600 mm x900mm.

this is the basis for that you can get your measurements and send them to cut and that the distribution center, just go with your design and exact measurements for your furniture, which I copied to a program of optimization materials inserted into your computer, so they tell you how much material you use and how much waste will be in your proyecto.por that I advise you to take action is in millimeters and was doing work on these programs mostly. Well

has a simple module rectangular we can install a division in the middle, we can add shelves, boards, strengthening ties to hang the cabinet, it will be easier now that we know how to get measures that we need to have to do this mueble.siempre operation. At the time of obtaining the measures we want to be movable, either in its length, width, depth should always tell des thickness of the pieces are going to install.

To go have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow easy it is to assemble the furniture melamine board, everything is based on modules, with the measures detailed below, and you will be designing, furniture you want to implement in your home.


This is essential to design our furniture and to get accurate because if we do not know anything about this subject we would be difficult or bit difficult to get accurate measurements, suppose I want to do a module for my desktop and since there is no action should be the furniture I can think of doing desk height of 950 mm.y harmonized to my desk because I think it does not matter, we would com surprise your desktop, once assembled, it is very uncomfortable to write.
These measures may vary slightly in some countries, depending on the height or size of its inhabitants, can also vary according to the space is used for furniture, the steps may vary depending on what size furniture you want to do but always must be related within the parameters of the measures that I'll have to leave because this issue is directly related formats melamine boards are designed so that when making our furniture designs using non-standard measures squander much material.

So now I have to leave the measures most used furniture to help when designing your furniture and you can get
accurate measurements


depth or width .- 300 mm / 350 mm

height .- 1800 mm / 2000 mm

longitude or long .- 600 / 900 / 1200 mm / according to the space or need required

http: / /


depth or width .- 550 mm / 600 mm
height .- 750 mm / 800 mm
length or long .- 1200 / 1500 mm / according to space or necessity required.


depth or width .- 550 mm / 600 mm

.- height 1800 mm / 2000 mm / 2100 mm

length or long .- 600 / 900 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 mm / according to the space or need required


depth or wide .- 500 mm / 550 mm / 600 mm

height .- 750 / 900 / 1000 / 1200 mm

length or long .- 900 / 1200 / 1500 mm / according to the space or need required

depth or width. 300 mm / 320 mm -

.- height 600 mm / 700 mm / 900 mm
length or longer. - 1000 mm / 1200 mm / 1500 mm / according to the space or need required

http://blogmelaminaymueble .

in the video shows a joint with dowels, but we can save time by only using only self-drilling screws I invite you to see a very educational video as the modules that are assembled are the basis for any type of furniture.

depth or width. -550 mm / 600 mm. (Bench)
.- height 850 mm / 900 mm

length or long .- 1000 / 1200 / 1500 mm / according to the space or need required


measures to give you this nice and simple furniture easy to assemble, to practice fences are:

height = 1240 mm
depth = 250 mm (without considerate of what stands in the top and bottom horizontal boards)
length = 750 mm.

as we get our exact measurements then the actions of our board we would be as follows:

amount description length width thickness ;
material material material parts of the field name
2 ; 1204 mm 250 mm 18 mm vertical sides
4 , 18 mm 714 mm 250 mm horizontal boards
1 ; 18 mm 750 mm 350 mm upper horizontal board
1 , 18 mm 750 mm 380 mm lower horizontal board

These measures can go to buy your material accurate and only have to set it up like this in the picture the measurements are accurate. I have already optimized for your first furniture armes.

need to buy a separate support the following as the material can be mdf, Nordex, plywood, melamine 6 mm. What best matches your furniture
support measure: Height 1230 mm x 740 mm width. I have reduced 5 mm per side of the full measure of cabinet at the time of nailing the back no flush with the face of melamine and will feel the edge of the mdf, or Nordex or what you say is why it is discount 5mm per side for not noticing.
can also be and recessed slot mdf or any other type of support.

24 self-drilling screws will need the following measure 4.0 x 50

need 24 caps and has precione autoahdesivas color of melamine to cover the screw head.

will need 6 legs or slides ers for the keys to the bottom so it does not drag on the floor

recommended as doing our first project has hit send it loa cover songs in the middle of distribución.sera económico.hasta easier and more experienced.
any questions or comments to write in the box below.


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