Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Virtual Tech Deck Games



Off Road

December 19, 2009

Ciria Gloria Valdez-Gardea *

"We went all the Border Patrol. The car was very hot, had a very high heat. I told him the child had Littlest temperature and was crying, but he ignored us and I started to say many things. I knew it was illegal what he was doing, because in the children's school teacher had told us that they have no right to mistreat or why stand. I told him the child had been wrong, that was suffocating from the heat so high, which came hot, and also well pissed. We went to the store to cash the check when we grabbed the child and buy milk and diapers and we did not have anything. I had no case. But then we meet other patrols and changed our car. Then they took us to the immigration office. It was about nine o'clock. We took fingerprints and interviewed us. They gave us water and bags of food, but children do not eat, the youngest is the pure wore mourn and mourn, because he wanted milk and urine was going well. I felt awful, but you could not do anything, if you move a little bit just by telling us backwards hands. "(Vanessa 23 years, deported with two children).

On 4 December 2000 the General Assembly of the Organization of the United Nations (UN), taking into account that there is a significant number of immigrants in the world, and that number continues to increase , proclaimed 18 December as International Migrants Day.

On that day, in the year 1990, the Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and their families.

Thus, calling on UN member states, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, to observe International Migrants Day through the dissemination of information on human rights and fundamental freedoms us of migrants, sharing experiences and developing measures to protect it.

Little has been achieved since this resolution adopted by the UN for the benefit of the migrant.

in Mexico lack a national migration policy and international human rights of migrants.

The situation of migrants is compounded by not being prepared to tackle one of the recent phenomena of migration as it is: the return of migrant's country of origin.

For example, in recent years the Ministry of Education and Culture (SEC) in Sonora has reported the l legacy of children and young people with educational experience in the U.S. and Central America to the classrooms Sonora schools.

In the 2008-2009 school year, for example, were received in 1.114 sound boys in primary and 164 secondary, 1.278 children in total. In this school has received 1134 primary level students and 164 secondary.

The ignorance of the situation being experienced by children in their integration into the classroom Sonora and the particular needs for better development in the academic, social and culture has been little studied. What he brings, what leads, what brings the migrant children to school Sonoran? What is receiving the migrant children from the classroom to their educational experience Sonora? These are questions that we want to respond.

therefore next January 29, 2010, the Seminar N inez Migrant session devoted to the topic: "The return to school in Sonora, migrant children and youth." We wait.

* Professor-researcher at the Center for North American Studies at El Colegio de Sonora Email: gvaldez@colson.edu.mx


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