Monday, February 8, 2010

What Todo To Improve Scalp


"The English teacher does not know, but not corrected, I have fear that I scold" her mother told a child who is in fifth grade, and is part of a wave of returning migrants.

the absence of systematic quantitative and qualitative cutting on child migration was carried out International Seminar on Migrant Children on Friday January 29 at El Colegio de Sonora. On this occasion, the meeting of academic event titled "Children and young migrants return to the classroom Sonora" , in which participated Dr. Gloria Valdez Gardea Ciria , research professor of El Colegio de Sonora and Dr. Greek Toni Jones of University of Arizona, who has worked on both sides of the border.

regard, Greek Jones presented comparative data on the educational systems of the two countries. He stated that in the United States requires a license to teach and that, unlike Mexico, the curricula vary by state. He added that each educational district has a board elected by the same community, which decides the educational programs of the basic levels. He also noted some cultural characteristics of students, teachers and teaching methods.

He said: "Where do migrants come to America? in Mexico are 30 percent. When we talk about Latinos, they are mostly Mexicans. " He explained that while here in Sonora almost all children live in the area schools have a common origin and speak the same language, students in Arizona are very different. In a school district can be found over one hundred languages, but most speak English.

"It necessary to put a face to the migrant's return, "said Dr. Gloria Cirino Valdez Gardea, coordinator of the seminar, and made two testimonies of migrant students who returned to Sonora. The teacher Saenz Guadalupe Olivas, director of the Elementary 4-2 Lions Club, said his experience from the point of view of educators who receive this type of student.

Meanwhile, Hector Salazar recounted his experience when he returned to Sonora, after five years, to study high school. In this regard said: "I got to level (in Arizona), exceeding the level and everything was gone, "referring to his tenure truncated" other side "and the vicissitudes of access to a public high school in Sonora.

This seminar is ongoing challenge to make visible the problems of migrant children in academic and social, and share experiences cutting methodological and theoretical approach to the phenomenon.


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