Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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inflate pills

Warning: need to practice homeopathic medicine overdose is to be truly a homeopathic remedy and that alone. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

I have a friend who likes to inflate to pills. Apparently the guy grabs a package containing a remedy against depression and take the whole box. Or so he says anyway. Of course, the approach used for this purpose is a homeopathic remedy. We can see how it does in this pair of videos ...

So while the guy sticking a binge of pills, no nothing happens. How so? What is that in homeopathy and why not grave? For those who do not know, homeopathy is sold in pharmacies with supposedly many therapeutic uses. There are homeopathic remedies to treat the flu or depression for example. They are "alternative" treatments in pill form.

Homeopathy, despite being sold in pharmacies and some doctors may even prescribe homeopathy is considered pseudoscience and treatments do not work. What actually contain homeopathic pills are sugar, both dealing with a problem for the flu, such as those intended to treat depression. Are exactly the same: simple sugar pills. That is the reason that our friend Eugenio not happen absolutely nothing by taking a homeopathic remedy in large quantities, and that is only really eating sugar. No longer shocking, right?

Homeopathy can and does sometimes become a problem, especially when someone leaves an effective treatment to follow a homeopathic, with the firm belief that the second will help more. If we to believe that sugar pills are going to heal, maybe put at risk our own health.

is not uncommon for many of us worry that people might lose their health by using a remedy that is not appropriate to treat your problem. So much so that to better understand what homeopathy is available this wonderful page you have created in the network a group of "concerned citizens" just for reporting this pseudomedicina ..

And finally comment that in protest against this type of pseudoterapia, this Saturday February 5, 2011 want to do globally what he does in his demonstrations Eugene, take a pill box of some homeopathic remedy, but all together. Is a global initiative that aims to be followed in different countries to show that homeopathy is only sugar. We know more about it here .

Warning: need to practice homeopathic medicine overdose is to be truly a homeopathic remedy and that alone. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

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Mantis: no danger!


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