Sunday, January 30, 2011

Average Price For And Eyebrow Waxing?

Your ass hangs over the chair. Arachnophobia

Whoever said truth is stranger than fiction came up short.

The reality is so strange and surprising that the you can hardly believe reality is unlikely (literally, the reality does not seem real ... I parties).

Without going any further, and excuse me, your asses are floating on seats due to the repulsion of electron clouds (same charge, then repelled) of the atoms that form each other, because, dear friends, things do not "touch" .

We understand that our common sense as "contact" implies two objects "solid and continuous" and we know that from a boulder up the same, you are a swarm of moving particles.

already joked about this in Max's world. Science for all (although in a later chapter, I leave the first pages of the book if you want to take a look.

Well, if you want to look for problems you can put your hand where Owe no and argue this ... but equal "does not touch you" with a deserved slap, as happened to good Max.

Image source: wikipedia
Entry previously published in Science for all

I'm sick of the handle of my pan ...
why the water turns in the same direction?


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