twitter madrid opens with unwanted spam network premieres iTunes
Although I confess that I have not yet ventured into Ping, the comments I keep reading and hearing from friends, bloggers and people on Twitter are not very good to say (note that Eduardo was in ALT1040 is a good example of this.) But it seems that the bad reviews user adds an undeniable fact that speaks of something is bad enough: just a couple of days, Ping and have problems with spam.
The problem comes on the heels of many links in spam that they are presented in the network Apple wants to build around iTunes. Most of these links lead, in line, promises of iPods, iPhones iPads or free. This adds further to the problems it had with Facebook Connect, difficulties for some users outside the United States, and unclear policies for musicians.
Returning to the subject of spam, it is presented as links in comments to the featured artists and publications in response to users who want to publish your updates. This can happen anywhere, it is true, and there is no network that boasts of itself that is free from these practices. But it has passed so quickly is remarkable, coupled the fact that Apple seems to have no available filters suitable for this.
The lack of filters may be because Apple was not very accustomed to dealing with real time - c'mon, this is the first time you deign to live broadcast your event for example. As users were uploading their opinions on music, movies or applications to iTunes, they were revised and filtered (in the same way as are the profile pictures Ping) to make sure they are appropriate.
I will not be hard on them, anyway. I think the slow filtering gives quality to a site, and the transition to real time can be turbulent at times. Finding the balance is not something that is achieved in 2 days although they should have thought before.
what to do meanwhile? When you see some of these spam links, you can report them using the "Report", which among all the options it gives. Yes, for now works only for the general public, not for answers to them, which is still a very large gray area.
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