Monday, February 28, 2011

Where Do I Put My Badges On My Brownie Uniform

Which is better, generic or a brand?

Note: previous articles published in Mondo Medico

Before Christmas in Farmacriticxs read an article quite interesting, " Letter from a recently retired employee of GSK ". The debate originated out to find me information on the topic of generic drugs and try to approach it from several points of view: the doctor, the patient and the health system.

The issue is controversial. I hear often ask if a generic drug is as effective as a brand name drug, generic comment that the excipients are of lower quality and therefore are less effective and are more allergic reactions. I meet patients who are angry if I prescribe a medicine generic. And like the debates originated the article linked in allocating collejas to Marilyn Manson and Joseph Thomas (OK, joke bad-Remal)

Before getting into flour to discuss this issue in several small items, I want contéis what are the main concerns and impressions you have of this subject. Your comments will help me complete these miniartículos quite safe and interesting debates that arise.

Antabuse Effect: Why should not drink if you are taking medications
Why are major blood groups and what happens if when you do not respect a transfusion?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Put Clothes On Ur Foto

I'm leaving ...

The regulars will remember that last year from the blog Science all spent a month leaving some of our little addictions (TV, console, chocolate, mobile tuenti, etc), and we writing a blog (I'm leaving ) to be sharing our experience and lend a hand to each other.

I am proposing to my students this year to experience . For now I have thrown the challenge within 24 hours without any of those things I suspect they have a dysfunctional relationship, so that they observe and see how you feel.

Once they discover that something is becoming less free and less happy and if you want to do something about it, start the matter.

Like last year, open the call for any that you pass by here. feel free to give publicity in your blogs or websites for anyone who wants to sign up.

I tell mechanics :

1. You choose what behavior or addiction you please remove your world.

deciding if this is an addiction or just a hobby, this article may help

2. create or use an email account where you do not see your name and send me an email ( saying that you sign up. I will

I will register as author in the blog so you can write your posts.

3. In a few days, and if enough people, I will write to tell you the day you start.

I must say very clearly that


thus avoid complaints and others ...

We're just a group of people headed in the same direction and will share a stretch of road.

One goal is to see how thoughts and feelings with we have to deal are very similar regardless of the object on which we project our addiction . So do not talk about is letting everyone, we'll call X.

the moment, to know better the ideas you read these articles that place the matter and I will help.

Why are we here?

"Hobby or Addiction?


little help

Little by little

Terms of Use

Entry published in Science for all

Why water turns in the same direction?
How does the Gore-Tex?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Facial Rash Early Pregnancy

again Why can we see the past, looking at the stars? Pseudopsicología on TV

Occasionally in the news headlines like: " Scientists discover a star that exploded 1500 years ago." And how do you know if they were not there? And, astronomers seem determined to go to space becoming more and more powerful telescopes that allow them to look further and further. Why the effort? Why do you want to look so far?

(Hubble Space Telescope)

not have been bored of the nearest stars, or that they are aware of memory, no. They do it because looking at how far you can see the past. That's right! And this is nothing new, do not leave to think that it has discovered a time machine or something. Notice that I did not say go back in but to see the past. As they say, space is a window into the past.

Let us explain a little bit. Surely you have heard, but a trick home to see how far struck by lightning, is counting the seconds after you see it, until you hear the thunder and divide by 3. Sound travels faster (on a 340 m / s), but the champion of the gears is very light (300,000 km / s!!). For this reason, if lightning strikes at 1km, we see him almost instantly, while the thunder (sound) take 3 seconds to reach us. The sound, despite being fast, over long distances is not enough and takes time to reach our ears.

Same thing happens in space with light. The light, which was the speed superchampion in the vastness of space, it falls short. The distances are so so great that even light suffers such a delay until it reaches our eyes. If you remember the previous entry Why can not exceed the speed of light? , we had a light year is not a measure of time, but long (specifically the distance light travels in one year). When we say that a star is 4 light years, meaning that the light from it has taken 4 years to reach us. Therefore, looking at that star, we're seeing, what reaches our eyes, not what is happening there now, but what happened in that star for 4 years. We are seeing the past!

Extrapolating this, if we observe a star that is a million light years we are seeing what the universe was a million years ago! Hence the interest of astronomers look far. Looking mainly to investigate the origin of the universe and how it was in its infancy, this technique is very necessary.

And the record? Well I think for now we have the Hubble and is in seeing what happened makes 13.2 billion years!

The truth of the fluorescent
molecular Trojan horses ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ac Adapter Nordictrack Audiostrider Voltage

the other day (21 February) attended the morning four a handwriting analyst to interpret the letters of a criminal. Would be fine, if not because the handwriting is no useless pseudoscience. Of course this that graphology has no empirical base is classified information and no one could have imagined, except for the small detail that four journalists they could have discovered simply by looking at the Wikipedia .

Moreover, although not ground, the other day I saw the program of La Caja de Telecinco. Leaving aside the criticism of the scientific basis you can have the box itself, it appears that at one point I saw the program was dedicated to assess the personality of the person was being subjected to "that rare form of therapy" using the test of the human figure. Would be fine if it were not for this test has more in common with divination that scientific psychology. We can find the video of the program on Telecinco page is the 4 of the 8 out there. Very beginning. Test the validity of human figure we can find information here .

Telecinco also recently was taken as irrefutable evidence of the polygraph results, with the assurance that must have given Belén Esteban taken as true. Everyone knows that the results of polygraph are 100% valid or not. No comments.

curious optical illusion
Learn zoology with SpongeBob

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Christy Canyon Amber Lynn

Experiment: Recognition of starch with iodine

A experimentillo that long since we put no.

There is a long tradition that uses substances that change color to recognize the presence of others, the acidity (pH), etc.

Today we will see how we can identify the presence of starch using iodine.

The starch is a polysaccharide , say, an interesting way to store sugar (read energy) we use the bugs. It is the basis of Food (dixit wikipedia) and is present in plants, mainly.

If we cool, you have to buy or prepare a starch solution to a certain percentage, etc., But as we cool be more cheesy, cop the Betadine and go! to colleagues from other countries, the iodine compound "orange" with which you or desinfectáis Thou healest wounds.

We're ready.

If you put a little flour , bread or cornstarch on a plate, you add a few drops of water, mix and cast a tad Betadine ... ta da! the color will change from oranges to BLUE / BLACK.

If testing a piece of potato, or you put a potato in water, leave it a while, the bags and analyze the whitish liquid that has been, again change the color, because potato starch has been released.

Here you can see how there is a starch apple and a potato itself.

If you try to do the same with a piece of ham good quality, you will see no change of color.

And now ... If you use

sausage, bologna or chopped (for example) low quality, you'll see that yes there change color. What happened here?

is not difficult to find. Lee ingredients. You'll find that there potato starch ... read ... read ... starch. Are you paying the price of sausage potato.

can not say that no ill will, as indicated on the label, and possibly this is the explanation for the low price of processed food. Experiment

facilitated, heir to a long tradition, and CSI claims that you can enjoy with the kids of your environment.

IMPORTANT: No forget that the Betadine should not be taken , or touching your eyes, etc., as stated in the prospectus insurance.

Here they tell how the companions of Victoria Kent.
Here an explanation on how they interact starch and iodine

Here a more reliable source in pitinglis.

We thank Almudena Opencor management (untranslatable)

why it takes longer to go to the U.S. in return?
Do you think herbal remedies are completely safe?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Replacement Parts For Targus Tripods

Homeopathy explained in 14 minutes

I found a video explaining homeopathy in 14 minutes so cool. I have found him unyielding The Village.

Power Balance is sold in pharmacies
not let yourself fall off the bar

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Panasonic Sdr-s150 Skype Driver

Support FPI fellowships, and pay them! In the news

Today I have to talk about the importance of science and the benefits that can lead to society to maintain and promote R & D system competitive. That we are fed up of saying it and hear it (even me Descojonado of laughter, by politicians). Today we have to talk about labor rights, to be paid by the work one does. A job full time, with hours that can far exceed 8 hours per day. It takes a highly skilled work for which you must have obtained a university degree and have competed with thousands of people to get a scholarship, which will provide about 1100 euros a month. The situation, although probably unfairly, it can not be described as unfortunate considering the times. However, problems arise when people who have competed for government aid and life left in the laboratory by 1100 euros per month not paid their wages. This is the situation in which they are currently recipients of FPI fellowships (Research Personnel Training) who have not received their salaries for the month of January and received by a computer error response is the cause of everything.

For this reason, and to keep the thing going farther, we ask from this blog that those who want to help these young researchers to fight for what is theirs, to adhere to the collection of signatures has been organized in this website and collecting also their reasons and claims. From here we want the situation resolved as soon as possible.

blog entry reproduced from Darwin's brain to promote support for the petition of FPI fellowships.

genome project ants
genomes ant Camponotus floridanus and Harpegnathos saltator

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pedicure Infection Swollen Toe

the sixth promote wines alone Landed

This past Saturday, February 12, 2011 could see on the news of the sixth this . Long ago on the news of the Basque public television we found similar . Nothing like on TV promoting pseudoscience, right? And if it can be in a better information ...

The truth of the fluorescent
molecular Trojan horses ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rhino Z Plans On Ratchet And Clank

cosmic planes?

The eternal question. Are the planes land alone, or do the drivers manually?

response Yes and no. I mean, many planes can land themselves, however, requires the monitoring of the maneuver by the pilot. By this I make it clear that the presence of the pilot is very important. But explain this a little more.

Years ago, engineers invented a gadget called ILS. This gadget guide the pilot during the approach and landing. And how? Very simple, like a "game " is involved, the pilot must move the controls of the plane to get it to align the "little cross " pink. Here you have a photo to you will see it. The horizontal line shows our bias "in height, and vertical deviation" horizontal. "

Depending on the level of visibility, environmental conditions, landings can be classified into 3 categories ( CAT I, CAT II and III CAT). The latter can be classified in other 3 (CAT IIIa, IIIb CAT, CAT IIIc), the last ( CAT IIIc ) for visibility zero. To land in a particular category must be satisfied not only that the airplane is equipped with ILS appropriate device, but also that the airport is equipped with the corresponding aids and the pilot is certified to perform the maneuver! So I say, that the presence of the pilot is very important. I leave a landing CAT III :

And the question is: Could not the onboard computer alone align the 2 little crosses? Yes, you can do. This is known as Autoland . In this case, the plane, align, position, down, touch the ground, stabilizes and restrains himself! What does it all go. Of course, not all planes are not equipped to Autoland. The system is triply redundant, ie there are three things each, if any of the flight computers fail. And the pilot does in these cases? For monitoring the operation, because in case of failure, should take control of the aircraft. In this link you can read (in English) the procedure conducted by a pilot.

To complete a very very good video, which shows how far the potential of Autoland (think the plane is about 250km / h!!):

I hope I have discovered something new about this unknown world of aeronautics. As always, remember that you can send your questions to: los.porques @

Entry previously published in The Whys .

Strange but true
The Jungle 2: trail blazing

How Long Can You Live With Kidney Falilure?

Some interesting things on the net again

Warning: the medicinal homeopathic overdose need to practice to be truly a homeopathic remedy and that alone. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

wanted to share a few things that I found on the net and I found interesting enough to comment here on the blog. The first is a book written by Eysenck on psychoanalysis. It is a few years ago, but it seems interesting. I have not read, but I heard about it and I have meant to, and taking into account who the author is sure to be a good book. And tell me if any reads. The good thing is that you can get online for free. I leave the link . Lastly

and finishing as the subject of homeopathy, I found a video here to follow the campaign of protest from Antarctica ...

Warning: need to practice homeopathic medicine overdose is to be truly a homeopathic remedy and that alone. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

animated Biology II. How many legs does a bug?
the light, particles or waves?

Halle Berry Haircut In Catwoman

After 2-year break it seems that the blog Darwin's brain to be active again, which pleased me a lot. Some of the members of this blog given its specialty (neurobiology) worked even in an entry posted here, as this , this or this . Anyway, here we are happy to return your peers, and all ye that pasabais out there who know that they're back. Welcome!

No, I do not believe that milk is bad for health
The "no benefits" of colas

Monday, February 7, 2011

Play Pokemon Sapphire Free Online

Darwin's brain "homeopathic overdose?

Warning: need to practice homeopathic medicine overdose is to be truly a homeopathic remedy and that alone. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

this Saturday to support the protest initiative intended to see the null effect of a homeopathic medicine, I also I have taken 80 pills. I bought a boat in the pharmacy with a dilution of 30 CH and I've eaten all at about 10 and 23 in the morning. To give us an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was in this boat with homeopathic pills, nothing like reading the directions on the back: "1g of granules contains 0.85 grams of sucrose and 0.15 of lactose." We all sugar.
best when I went to buy the medicine to the pharmacy ...

Yo-Do you have homeopathic remedies? Pharmaceutical
"Yes, what did?
Yo-A cure any Pharmaceutical
"But you must know what you want
I-No, for what I want I do not need, can anyone give me one of those boats out to 4 granules with something. Pharmaceutical
Yo-Thanks, bye-bye

Pharmaceutical ... Video

protest in Madrid . What a joke that madrid have read the prospectus, the adverse effects and other, lol.

have put online a video with the initiative of Bilbao ...

Another version of the video can be found in this post of Magonia. Here

Leon video ...

Here a video of a little further ... in Argentina.

Draw your own conclusions. To learn more about homeopathy can view this page , this or this other .

Warning: need to practice homeopathic medicine overdose is to be truly a remedy homeopathic and only that. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

Do I want my marriage to be a deuteron?
videos comic skepticism

Friday, February 4, 2011

Wedding Seating Chart Template Microsoft Word

My life without you, my good friend Eugene

I'm not a smoker or never smoked. I am allergic to smoke, snuff, if I get in a place where I smoke sting the eyes, I start sneezing and my nose clogged right away. The new law prohibits smoking in a few places and made it benefit me to go over bars do not suffer the uncomfortable effects of smoke. I have friends who smoke and have lived with them their attempts to quit smoking, their relapses in which I was next to the window or balcony "aireándome" as he lit a cigarette again.

I recently learned of an initiative led by family doctors, My life without you , in which it provides advice and assistance to anyone who wants to quit. It is not an easy task and this tool seems very interesting. I gossiped on the page and see comprehensive, FAQs, brochures, videos, a forum and even a mailing list. As they comment, " Quitting smoking is one of the more high-impact interventions in the health of a person. Far exceeds other health system interventions ."

Here is one of the videos, to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this blog feature:

Power Balance sold in pharmacies
Do not let the bar fall

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dodaj Reklame Do Strony

inflate pills

Warning: need to practice homeopathic medicine overdose is to be truly a homeopathic remedy and that alone. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

I have a friend who likes to inflate to pills. Apparently the guy grabs a package containing a remedy against depression and take the whole box. Or so he says anyway. Of course, the approach used for this purpose is a homeopathic remedy. We can see how it does in this pair of videos ...

So while the guy sticking a binge of pills, no nothing happens. How so? What is that in homeopathy and why not grave? For those who do not know, homeopathy is sold in pharmacies with supposedly many therapeutic uses. There are homeopathic remedies to treat the flu or depression for example. They are "alternative" treatments in pill form.

Homeopathy, despite being sold in pharmacies and some doctors may even prescribe homeopathy is considered pseudoscience and treatments do not work. What actually contain homeopathic pills are sugar, both dealing with a problem for the flu, such as those intended to treat depression. Are exactly the same: simple sugar pills. That is the reason that our friend Eugenio not happen absolutely nothing by taking a homeopathic remedy in large quantities, and that is only really eating sugar. No longer shocking, right?

Homeopathy can and does sometimes become a problem, especially when someone leaves an effective treatment to follow a homeopathic, with the firm belief that the second will help more. If we to believe that sugar pills are going to heal, maybe put at risk our own health.

is not uncommon for many of us worry that people might lose their health by using a remedy that is not appropriate to treat your problem. So much so that to better understand what homeopathy is available this wonderful page you have created in the network a group of "concerned citizens" just for reporting this pseudomedicina ..

And finally comment that in protest against this type of pseudoterapia, this Saturday February 5, 2011 want to do globally what he does in his demonstrations Eugene, take a pill box of some homeopathic remedy, but all together. Is a global initiative that aims to be followed in different countries to show that homeopathy is only sugar. We know more about it here .

Warning: need to practice homeopathic medicine overdose is to be truly a homeopathic remedy and that alone. If you do make this experience together with medical professionals advice. Some pills contain lactose.

Why are major blood groups and what happens if when you do not respect a transfusion?
Mantis: no danger!