Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Whats The Easyest Way To Get Poptropica Credits

II International Seminar on the eve of XXI century

In order to analyze some of the determinants that are shaping the new migratory pattern of the early twenty-first century, this 13 and October 14 were presented in Mexico City, the work of II Seminar International Migration in the twenty-first century , where Dr. Ciria Gloria Valdez Gardea, professor and researcher at El Colegio de Sonora (COLSON), participated with lecture entitled "Anthropology of migration studies migrant children. "

During the presentation of Valdez Gardea, stressed the need to recognize the migrant children as a maker of meanings within the migration process, so that children return migrants should be studied based on their dynamic and differentiated with the city, region and global forces that drive their mobilization, migration and return.

Moreover, the event was inaugurated by Veronica Villarespe , director of the Institute of Economic Research (IIIEc) of the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Ana María Aragonés , coordinator of the seminar, where they held two workshops presented on Wednesday 13, which were entitled: "Skilled migration " and "Migrant children " respectively, and on Thursday 14 other two tables were presented with the name: "Migration southern border" and "Migration and Health, they were held in the auditorium maestro Ricardo Torres Gaitan, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM.


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