Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Snowboarding Simulator Game

Materials To Make A Toy Boat


Language Reading and Culture Department

Monday, April 5, 2010

Did Good And Plenty Have Black Ones?

COLSON guest editor of Journal of the Southwest

Addressing migration from different perspectives was the issue that brings together the work of this edition of the Journal of the Southwest: Revisiting borders: migration, actors and urbanism , Vol 51 No. 4 Winter 2009, which was released last December.

Published by Dr. Gloria Cirino Valdez-Gardea, professor and researcher of the Center for North American Studies at El Colegio de Sonora, the text contains eight papers on various disciplines, among which are: "Migration and Urbanization in Northwest Mexico's Border Cities" Jesus Angel Enriquez Acosta, "Tijuana: Border, Migration, and Gated Communities" Brisa Violeta Carrasco Gallegos, "Imaginary and Migration" Eloy Méndez and Isabel Rodriguez.

The content of the magazine is a product of the first International Migration and Migrant Children organized by THE COLSON and Migrant Children Seminar in May 2007. This number is an attempt to contribute to knowledge of migration from the point of view of the actors involved in it, as women and children, in addition to analyzing the dynamics and practices that are developing in the traditional border areas which have emerged around them as the runner Altar-El Sasabe.

This publication will be presented at the Research Centre on 8 April this year, and will feature comments from Drs Isabel Ortega (CIAD) and Manuela Guillen Lúgico. Will serve as moderator Dr. Alvaro Bracamonte Sierra.

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Guest Editors:
Gloria Cirino Valdez-Gardea, El Colegio de Sonora, 2009.

Migration and Urbanization in Northwest Mexico's Border Cities
Jesús Ángel Enríquez Acosta

Tijuana: Border, Migration , and Gated Communities
Brisa Violeta Gallegos Carrasco

Imaginaries and Migration
Eloy Mendez and Isabel Rodriguez

Institutional Overflow: Tales From Along the Border Children Deported
María Eugenia Hernández Sánchez

Siblings by Telephone : Experiences of Mexican Children in Long-Distance childrearing Arrangements
Gail Mummert

Women at the Crossroads: Remapping Migrant Border Security Through Mobility
Anna Ochoa O'Leary

Women, Migration, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Migration Process of Altar, Sonora: Agency in the Midst of Multiple Vulnerabilities
Katherine Careaga

Current Trends in Mexican Migration: The Altar-Sasabe Corridor , Taking the Lead on the Border's Periphery
Gloria Valdez-Gardea Ciria

April 8, 2010 at 19:00 hrs.
Pogré Auditorium of the Colegio de Sonora *.

* Obregón 22 and Alley Ayon, Centro, Hermosillo, Sonora
Alley Parking in Chihuahua and Abasolo

Thank You Letter For Retail

Revisiting Borders-Migration, Actors and Urbanism