Thursday, June 12, 2008

Letter Save The Dates

Excerpted from an article by Christopher Gibran Larrauri Olguin (Mexico)

As expected, the notion of Bataille's poetry is not counted in those currents that define it as the equivalent of cheesy beauty and possibility of a narcissism hardening often necessary to mask the pain. Bataille notes that poetry fully germinate the unlikely possibility of reaching a state of Sense, to indicate that what determines poetry, and obviously, every creative act taking skills transcultural work is devoted precisely to give way to silence as a goal, to move the spectator-reader, scoring the ineffable core of being-in-the-world of homo sapiens as opposed to all Bonomi and cordiality that "calm." "The poetry does not rise to non-sense poetry is just the vacuum of poetry, it's just a beautiful poetry." [25] With what we can infer that Bataille poetry apart from being beautiful must be ominous, with a high degree of reference to the wound. "Poetry is not a knowledge of himself, let alone the experience of a far as possible (which previously was not), but the simple evocation, through words, possibilities inaccessible. " [26] is, again, make room for the impossible, this being" the death that in fact the man is doomed. " [27] Lacan himself says that the interpretation is necessary to use poetry as its structure suggests a little hard to take, which is nothing but a vacuum of knowledge, the mythical place of enjoyment and resigned. [28]
Amen of fatalistic nuance these statements, the sin of pessimistic but it is recognized that due to the impossibility of the human world exists, that is from lack the motivation to do builds. As indicated by Bataille himself: "I speak of the impossible is the only way to describe what can be possible for man must face the impossible." [29] Venturing into a saying about the real is the option that psychoanalysis also turn itself as the only way to access a possible freedom, away from the claims of love in progress. "Poetry has the same point that all forms of eroticism: the indistinguishability, the confusion of different objects. Leads us to eternity, leads to death and through death to continuity: Poetry is eternity. " [30] / GLO_Bataille.htm

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Can You Operate Them Together If The 120 V Line

The dream life and literature in China

"A case for modesty or uncertainty, I began this book by asking permission to Borges to bustle the subject of dreams," he says with respect and a touch of irony Mempo Giardinelli, who just released "I'd dream," a anthology of dreams that was collected over 30 years and were, in some cases, the starting point for stories or moments in his novels. We discussed his new book with writer Chaco, among other prizes, won the Rómulo Gallegos.
Mempo Giardinelli: How Gender is not a tradition, a tradition as a source of literature. I have always maintained that literature has three sources: the experience lived, the literature itself, ie reading, and dream life. There have been many theories about dreams, not just Freudian analysis. In literature, many works are permeated by the dream experience. In Argentina we have "The Book of Dreams" of Borges, a lecture about it. Across America there have been writers who worked on this. Keep in C3% A1culos

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Twilight Lettering Template


Argentine Writers, would you like to publish in China? Then call Patrizia van Daalen, an editor of uncertain nationality in charge of Western authors select titles for the publisher in China "Shanghai 99" created in 2004. A few days ago in Buenos Aires was telling his experience and choosing books to take Argentina to the Chinese market. For now, Shanghai has only 99 Julio Cortázar edited and Guillermo Martinez, but the market can wait. "The Chinese are very curious people who read to learn something new," says the young editor, drink in hand at a meeting of global publishers. To meet these ancient curiosities, brought to read on the plane (more than thirty-hour trip with stopovers ...) books by Manuel Puig, Martin Kohan, Juan Forn and not a joke, also put in your bag Hand's novel A Chinese bike Ariel Magnus.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Asacol And Menstrual Bleeding

Argentine short story and poetry competition for children's literature

Embassy of Argentina and the Avon Foundation convenes the Poetry and Short Story Competition 2008 The Embassy Argentina and the Avon Foundation for Women summoned the American Short Story Contest and Poetry 2008 where women can participate in America. According to the base of the track is free competition and free entry, no limit on the amount of work to be sent.
Those interested in more information should call tel. (54-11) 4746-8523 or e-mail address: and website:

Specialized Frame 2010

criticize a draft recommendation age of children's literature

The British authors of children's literature have begun a protest campaign against the draft editors to introduce a system whereby certain books to be recommended only after edad.El particular group that integrates children's literature publishers has announced that from next autumn, new titles are published carried such a recommendation.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Do I Get Rid Of Yellowing On Vinyl Floor

Project International Festival Thomas Mann

More than 75 poets from 55 countries will participate in the Festival Medellin International Poetry.

The festival is organized since 1991 by members of the Colombian magazine of poetry Prometheus. The Mayor of Medellin, the Dutch foundations Hivos, Doen and Prince Claus, the Ministry of Culture of Colombia, the embassies of Germany and Switzerland, and the Cooperative Trust Fund are the main sponsors of the event, considered the most Massive in its genre.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Cordovan Shoes With Charcoal Suit

Poetry Book of James Sylvester

1875 .- Nace Thomas Mann, writer German Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929.

Thomas Mann (Lübeck, June 6, 1875 - † Zurich, August 12, 1955). German writer, U.S. citizen, one of the most important writers of his generation, whom he said was the last great nineteenth century novelist. Mann is remembered for the depth critical analysis that developed on the European soul and German in the first half of the twentieth century. To do this took as references to the Bible major and ideas of Goethe, Freud, Nietzsche and Schopenhauer.

Romantic Anniversary Poetry

James Sylvester has made the continuation of his "Anthology of Northwest Argentina", this new meeting of the Northwest young poetry.

"... There is some anger there is something young and angry, if, if, for example, poetry is a very junkyard in Argentina ... theme predominates hard, marginal urban and almost deliberately and stubbornly marginal, the rescue of the slums, as though writing from them, I think you also may be an idealization, but quite prevalent this kind of thing. I think they have the impression that literature begins with them, there is some neglect, as in other fields of youth feels pure present and the past and the history of mankind has been an error, which may have right, but what happens is that no other way but comes to history, mistakes and successes come from the same side of the story and I think the feeling is starting again and I guess no one of they can spend the afternoon reading Quevedo or San Juan de la Cruz or
...." Quijote

Conversation with James Sylvester by Consuelo Trevino and M. Angeles Vázquez (Madrid - Spain, November 2005: )

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Contemporary Fireplaces Ottawa

literary contest

Organized by the Three Lakes Publishing, and sponsored cultural interest declared by the Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation of Argentina

Muscle Spasms And Diabetes

Argentina Claudia Piñeiro

Call "Argentina reads poetry"

In order to promote reading and sustain their habit and pleasure, Poets Argentine Association (APOA) calls for schools, colleges, universities, libraries, cultural centers associations and other social classes to participate with community members, particularly children and young people, reading to be held throughout the country on September 8, 2008 within the framework of "Argentina read poetry."
The activity is free and those interested can register via email until August 29, 2008.
The Poets Argentine Association send via email upon request an instruction for a better organization of the activity and an anthology of poetry in Argentina (both documents in pdf files).
To request the instruction, the anthology of poetry, or to register, you must go to the Argentine Poets Association (APOA) writing to mailto: apoa.argentinaleepoesia @

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ratchet Clank Dove Trovare Rhino V

reads poetry in Paraguay

writer Claudia Piñeiro Buenos Aires is one of the international presence that now goes to the fourteenth edition of the Libroferia Assumption 2008.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

What Else Could Genital Warts Look Like

The complaint modernist

An edition of the short stories Rafael Barrett continues to rescue a work that begins to be valued beyond the romantic figure of the author.

Rafael Barrett belongs to that class of writers. Son of an Englishman and an aristocratic Madrid, Barrett was born in Spain, where his life was intellectual dandy, riding the new modernizing currents of the now famous and Generation of '98 Pío Baroja to the head. Dazzled by the new life to South America, came to Buenos Aires in 1903 without a single penny in his pocket, as he had squandered almost all (if not all) of their inheritance.